
Creating the Right Custom Care for Your Loved Ones

You do not have to be bed-bound to receive spiritual and emotional support to our local hospice patients and their families.

— We provide in-your-home hospice nurses and palliative care professionals who can help with pain and suffering. We understand what you are going through when it comes to family hospice care.

— We arrange for a professional caregiver to provide whatever services you need at home, whether it’s help with everyday household chores or round-the-clock care for your loved one* We gladly help manage your loved one’s pain and reduce your family’s anxiety during this emotionally packed and heartbreaking period of time.

— We even have specialized teams and clinicians who understand foreign languages from Spanish, Russian and Korean to Cantonese to Tagalog and the cultures they represent.

— We also offer assisted living communities and residential care facilities – but we know you’re your family’s choice is to bring your loved one home to rest in peace.

Here’s what else our compassionate and international hospice staff can offer you and your loved ones during this emotional time of need:

* Educational materials and bereavement support groups
* Memorial services with telephone calls and visits by professional staff
* Community resource referrals, grief therapists and legal services, etc.

Palliative care

Palliative care is specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses. This type of care is focused on providing patients with relief from the symptoms, pain and stresses of a serious illness—whatever the diagnosis. The goal is to improve quality of life for both the patient and the family. Palliative care works with a patient’s primary medical team to provide an extra layer of support. Palliative care is appropriate at any age and at any stage in a serious illness and can be provided together with curative treatment.


Our ultimate goal, much like your own, is to allow an ill family member or dear friend to remain as restful, pleasant and pain-free as possible. Depending on the program or level of care you chose, and most appropriate, Valley View Hospice can be provided at home or in a comfortable facility. Services typically extend to support for the entire family in these cases, and not just the patient.